The limited partner universe, for example, now includes much more participation from sovereign wealth funds and individual investors. 例如,越来越多的主权财富基金和个人投资者参与到了有限合伙人领域。
Some governments, such as Germany, have historically limited their participation in combat operations, while the cultural acceptance of casualties is fading in many European nations. 包括德国在内的一些政府向来限制本国参与作战行动,此外,许多欧洲国家越来越不能接受战争造成的伤亡。
Various other regulatory and legal issues have yet to be resolved, which has limited early participation from some institutional investors. 在监管和法规方面,也还有许多问题尚未得到解决,这也限制了一些机构投资者在早期参与交易。
Governments should not so hamper markets that they are prevented from bringing rapid growth to the poor economies of Africa, Asia and elsewhere that have had limited participation in the global economy. 各国政府不应如此严重地束缚市场,以至于它们无法把快速增长带到非洲、亚洲和其它地方的贫穷经济体,这些经济体迄今参与全球经济的程度有限。
But he suggested that even if, as expected, the scheme attracted only limited participation, that was a sign markets were functioning more normally without special measures. 但他指出,即使如预料的那样,该计划只能吸引到有限的参与者,那也是一个迹象,表明市场能够在不采取特殊措施的情况下更为正常地运转。
The fragile state of the mortgage agencies 'balance sheets had limited Fannie's and Freddie's participation in the mortgage market as they tried to preserve capital. 由于两房设法保存资本,抵押贷款机构脆弱的资产负债状况限制了它们在抵押贷款市场中的参与度。
Event Risk, Limited Participation and Revaluation of Asset Price& A Competitive Model Based on Search Theory 事件风险、有限参与和资产价格重估&基于搜寻理论的一个竞争性均衡模型
Limited welfare and low taxes combined to minimise the US "participation tax rate". 有限福利加上低税收,最大限度降低了美国的“参与税率”。
President Felipe Calderon has a proposal before the Mexican Congress that would allow limited participation by private companies in exploration and development so that new reserves could be opened. 墨西哥总统卡尔德龙已经向议会提出建议,允许私人公司有限度地参与石油勘探和开发,以便开辟新的油田。
Provide managers with a limited glimpse into the effects of presence and participation. 让经理们对于企业在社会媒体“现身”和参与行动一睹为快。
A new climate change treaty must shift from limited participation to comprehensive global coverage. 一个新的气候变化条约必须从有限的参与转向全面的、覆盖全球的参与。
Beijing has so far limited its participation to non-combat tasks, sending only transport, engineering, logistics and medical personnel. 迄今为止,中国的维和行动一直局限于非战斗任务,只派出了运输、工程、后勤和医务人员。
The main concerns of this system can be summarized into: the shortage of its funding, limited participation of banks, worse quality of guaranteed loans, and the increase of delinquent loans. 文中归纳农业信用保证机制的问题在于资金不足、参与机构受限、保证贷款品质日趋恶化、代位清偿大幅增加等方面。
But the community has faced many problems in developing process, such as limited fights, shorted economy, the weak participation consciousness of community residents. 但社区治理在当前也面临权利有限、经济匮乏、社区居民参与意识淡薄和社区行政化倾向严重等问题。
The Limited Factors of the Farmer's Political Participation at Present in China 中国农民政治参与的制约因素研究
Search-Based Limited Participation 、 Event Risk and Liquidity Premium 基于搜寻的有限参与、事件风险与流动性溢价
The author analyzes the limited factors of the farmer's political participation at present in China, and puts forward the suggestions and countermeasures about the problem. 本文从经济、文化、政治等方面探讨了现阶段我国农民政治参与的制约因素,从而提出扩大我国农民政治参与的建议与对策。
Our model generates novel predications on how overconfidence relates to limited participation, excess entry and asset pricing. 本文给出的模型分析了两种投资者在不同情况下对股票市场的参与情况,借此解释有限市场参与、超额进入和资产定价之间的关系。
The essence of self-evaluation for adult education is regarded as the control system for adult education at higher institute Self-evaluation is characterized with four points: limited purpose, purpose in layer, all participation and dynamic circulation. 成人高等教育办学水平自我评估的本质应定位为成人高等教育办学质量控制体系,自我评估具有四性,即:有限目的性、目标的层次分解性、全员参与性和动态循环性。
Limited participation can arise endogenously in the presence of model uncertainty, and overconfident investors enter the market differently from the rational investors. 当存在模型不确定性且有限市场参与内生时,过度自信的投资者和理性投资者参与股票市场的程度有着不同的行为模式。
Secondly, limited level and ways in participation; 选民的参与程度和参与方式都比较有限;
What are the limited factors of residents participation? 制约社区居民参与的因素有哪些?
In conclusion, mass media has great but limited impact on metropolitan career women's political participation. 因而,大众传媒对都市职业女性的政治参与的影响是强大的但也是有限的。
Experimental study in this dissertation is confined to the survey objects and explanation of the results is limited to ordinary network users whose degree of participation is lower. 本文对内容可信度的实验研究限于调查对象的局限性,对其结果解释仅适用于协作参与度较低的普通网络用户。
But since the authority to the authority control model has many ways carry on the violation to the judicial authority, also has limited the populace to the judicial activity participation. 而权力对权力的法官权力控制模式既使得各种权力有许多途径对司法权力进行侵害,又限制了民众对司法活动的参与。
The external form is mostly represented by tourism development limited liability or company with equity participation or capital injection. The company operation is still under the control of leaders in tourism organization department. 外在的形式多为参股或注资的旅游开发有限责任公司或股份公司,公司运营仍然由旅游组织部门的领导掌控。
Yet we have limited knowledge of how teachers regulate student participation in classroom discussions and how this regulation affects students 'cognitive development. 但是我们对于教师如何控制学生在课堂讨论中的参与度,以及这种控制如何影响学生的认知发展还不是非常清楚。
At present, the open and way of Chinese public information is limited which result in the lower enthusiasm of public participation. 目前,我国公共信息的公开程度有限,导致公民参与程度与热情较低。
But the countryside have big population proportion, extensive countryside distribution and limited financial capital, how to realize struggle goal of the building of a new socialist countryside under this limited participation is an important and serious problem faced to the party and government. 但我国农村人口比例大、乡村分布广泛、国家财政资金有限,如何在有限的投入条件下,实现新农村建设的奋斗目标,是摆在我们党和政府面前的重要而紧迫的问题。
As for river basin water environment management in China, public participation is so limited that political participation is distorted and legality of government is destroyed. 我国公众参与流域水环境管理的程度也比较低,甚至造成政治参与的畸形发展,损害政府的合法性。